Sunday, March 29, 2020

Your Chemistry Lecture at UC Berkeley

Your Chemistry Lecture at UC BerkeleyThe Biology Lecture at The University of California is one of the premier presentations in all of academia. This is one of the most esteemed and prestigious courses taught each year in the world today. An amazing amount of people attend this course every single day because it's known as a classroom in a physical environment that lends itself to an interactive learning experience. It's the complete opposite of the standard lecture that you might find in many other classes you might take in an institution.It's important for students to always know who is behind the lecturing, where the classroom is located, how to get there, and what information they need to know to absorb the entire class. To avoid confusing students with what they have learned, a good lab is essential to providing the labs necessary to satisfy the prerequisites and all of the exams. It will make the lecturing more productive and less intimidating for the student.Students should al ways be aware of the minimum required equipment as well as what materials are needed to complete the labs. In some instances, students will be given additional lab supplies that are required. Most labs can easily be completed without additional materials if they do the research and select the appropriate lab with the help of one of the exam writers.One of the major problems that occurs with lab work is keeping everything organized and clean. This often results in wasted time as well as a lot of mess. The best way to make sure the lab work is successful is to stick to the following tips:* As a faculty member, you are always responsible for ensuring that your lab is organized properly. If you see that there are too many students or that something needs to be done differently, you need to let them know. This will ensure that they stay focused on the work instead of wandering around.* You must make sure that students know their roles. Assign roles and responsibilities to them for each s tep in the lab. For example, don't let them use a vacuum cleaner, but let them clean up the room after it has been used.* As a faculty member, you should constantly check in on your lab for signs of non-compliance with your mandatory clean up regulations. If you don't do this, you will likely lose funding and students will know why!Being the facilitator of a Mit Biology Lecture can be daunting, but if you work with students you will find that it's a very rewarding experience. You will find that you are part of a lively and inspiring classroom.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Last Minute AP Exam Advice From an Anaheim Tutor

Last Minute AP Exam Advice From an Anaheim Tutor Tips From an Anaheim AP Tutor: Last Minute AP Exam Advice Tips From an Anaheim AP Tutor: Last Minute AP Exam Advice The AP Exams are upon us! If you are taking a test or tests this week or next, you might be looking for some final pieces of advice to get a good score its not too late to book a private Anaheim AP tutor. There’s a whole population of students across the United States that are stressing and studying for their big exams who are in desperate need for last minute help. Unfortunately, the internet has been filled with generic, repetitive, and otherwise unhelpful AP exam “tips” that dominate your search results when you’re looking for help. You’ve seen them all before: “make sure you sleep,” “eat a good breakfast,” “take deep breaths,” etc. Everyone has heard these words of wisdom at this point. They have nothing to do with the AP exams and are not useful for students looking for practical advice. If you’ve made it to the end of high school and are taking AP exams, but don’t know that you should try to sleep before a big test, then you might need to reevaluate your priorities. Instead, here are some tips that you might not have heard yet, and will hopefully better help you navigate your preparation for the exams. I Have More Than Two Days Left to Study 1. Take a Practice Test! Please, if you haven’t taken a practice test yet, take one now. Stop reading, find a test (preferably an official one), and take it. Hopefully, your teacher has already had you take at least one practice test, but if not, you should be striving to take multiple before the real thing. There is nothing like taking a full, timed mock AP exam to prepare you for the real thing. Look at what you did wrong on your practice test, then try to improve it on your next practice test. 2. Find Accountability Have someone make sure that you are doing the preparation you need to. It is difficult to self-study and hold yourself to a schedule (especially for many high schoolers), so find someone to help you. Whether it’s a friend or classmate who agrees to take timed practice tests with you, a parent or teacher who supervises your study schedule, or an experienced tutor who guides you through your progress, everyone can benefit from a little accountability. It’s much harder to procrastinate when someone is expecting and waiting for you to show them your work. 3. Get Feedback Taking practice tests and using study guides is great. You can study effectively and efficiently on your own. However, it can be tough to know where you stand in terms of succeeding at the test. Look to a teacher â€" who has likely overseen many students taking the same exam â€" to help you figure out what you need to work on or improve (READ: Irvine AP Tutoring: 5 Ways to Improve Your AP Exam Score). If there are a few areas that you struggle with but are great at the rest, then you might be wasting valuable time by continuing to do full-length tests and reviews. Conversely, if you know your stuff but you are leaving several questions blank on your practice tests because you run out of time, then you may need to focus on pacing and prioritization instead of continuing with your flashcards. Find a teacher, tutor, or someone otherwise experience with your test who can look at your practice tests and help you find what to do next. I Have Two Days or Fewer Left to Study 1. Cram. But Cram Selectively A common piece of advice before any big test is to stop studying, relax, and focus on being in a healthy, well-rested, positive state of mind. Apparently, “studies show” that studying the night before the test does not improve test results when compared to good night sleep. This advice is partly true. Don’t stay up all night, don’t cram full study guides and practice tests the day before your exam, and don’t try to memorize a semester’s worth of material overnight. But that doesn’t mean you can’t benefit from cramming. Pick three to five facts â€" whether it’s vocab, formulas, or some history â€" for you to bluntly memorize before your test. Pick things you aren’t already confident in, and cram and memorize them. Only pick a few, but make sure you know those few very well. If they come up on the test, you might get an extra question or two correct that you wouldn’t have if you hadn’t crammed. Do not exhaust yourself memorizing tons of facts right before the test. Do pick the last few things that your short-term memory can hold to help boost your score a tiny bit. 2. Stop Studying Sooner and Optimize We’ll keep this short. A lot of the general and common knowledge regarding big tests is true: stop studying right before the test, get good rest, eat good food, get to a good mental state. Do not read this guide and think that you should wear yourself out cramming and doing practice tests. Practice tests in the days before, small cramming before the exam, but rest and self-help before exam day. 3. Trust Yourself The AP exams are less out to trick you than other standardized tests. They are testing for knowledge. If you’ve kept up with your studying, then you likely do have the knowledge to answer many of the questions. Trust yourself, try not to overthink, and don’t get in your own head when reading the questions. Students change the correct answer to an incorrect one more often than vice-versa on most multiple-choice tests. It’s easier said than done, but this is your last reminder before the tests. Good luck on your AP exams! Michael C. is currently a private math, science, and standardized test tutor with TutorNerds in Irvine and Anaheim. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

Is There an App for Happiness

Is There an App for Happiness Photo by ivyfield via In our society it seems that we always want the latest, greatest, shiniest thing. Perfect example: the new iPhone 5. When we see something new we think ‘well my item is a piece of crap now’, and then we try hard to get the new thing. Some of us forget to weigh our options in trying to afford this item. We just go for it. It’s what our society tells us, “If you want it, get it”. It’s something our society should start shying away from. If the only thing we are ever focused on is the material possessions in our life what will we have in the end? Material possessions hasn’t brought anyone happiness, we can’t carry every single item we own everywhere with us. If we looked towards experiencing more than buying more perhaps we can change our ways. I had many friends who didn’t have the latest gadgets out there on the market. Yet, they have lived some of the best lives. A friend of mine went to Guatemala and he had one of the amazing experiences ever. He wouldn’t change it for the world. He stayed in Guatemala all summer. Imagine that. As children we are taught not to worry so much over material possessions. Yet, somewhere between middle school and college we lose sight of that. Around the world people have less than us and yet they’re happier. I remember watching a show on the Travel Channel, Anthony Bourdain’s No Reservations. That particular episode he went to a country in South America, more specifically he went to this fishing island off the coast of a city of the said country. While on the island Bourdain had asked one of the locals if he wanted to visit the city. The local’s reply was “No, I am perfectly happy here.” He was happy. A local from an island so close to the city was happy being on the island. The island had just a simple fishing village. I was astonished upon hearing him say that. To think that local is happy just living in that village. He is probably at peace with it too. He would not give it up for the world. Our society gorges itself in trying to get people always to buy more than what they need or can handle. We are obsessed in having the best money can buy. Money can buy so much. Money cannot buy happiness. It can buy security of course. I mean security of paying your bills and not having to worry cutting back on food or gas. Happiness takes an effort from oneself. It doesn’t just come to you with the help of an application on your new iPhone.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How to Burn Calories without Even Trying

How to Burn Calories without Even Trying Via; uploaded by normanack During the week, it may seem like all you have time for is studying and sleeping, if you’re lucky.   The hours and days just seem to fly by as you sit in front of your computer commenting on facebook about the ten page paper due tomorrow that you haven’t started or mindlessly doodling in the margins of your psychology reading.   It makes it very difficult to find time to go to the gym and get in a solid work-out without stressing about the textbooks left unattended in your room. But, did you know that studying can actually burn calories?   An average female will burn 670 calories after studying for six hours, while an average male will burn 806 calories!   If you are just relaxing and daydreaming at your desk either in class or in your room for six hours, a female can burn up to 383 calories while a male can burn 460 calories.   Even showering, brushing your teeth, and styling your hair can burn caloriesâ€"so keep up with your hygiene!   Every little activity you do has the poten tial to burn calories, and in turn, shed pounds. To maximize your ability to burn calories without even stepping foot in the gym, keep up with your simple routine, but just add a little extra passion to it! 1)           Brush your teeth the recommended 3 minutes.   Brushing your teeth for six minutes a day can burn 15 calories for an average female and 18 for a male.   In just one month of brushing, you have burned about two slices of Boston crème pie!   If you want an extra big slice, invest in a tooth tunes toothbrush and dance along to songs like Black Eyed Peas’ “I Gotta Feeling” like no one is watching, although I gotta feeling that your entire dorm will be. 2)           Take the Stairs.   I know they can seem awfully steep and intimidating after a long day of class, but 30 minutes of stair climbing is equivalent to 243 and 293 burnt calories for an average female and male, respectively.   Getting to the top will never feel more rewarding! 3)           Speed Walk to Class.   After finally finishing your paper, you might be running a bit late anyway, so use your irresponsibility to your advantage to entice you to speed walk or even run to class.   An hour of speed walking is equivalent to the loss of 311 or 374 calories for average women or men. 4)           Shower.   Please do this whether you are interested in burning calories or not…but one positive outcome of doing this (besides not repelling your classmates) is an average female can burn 85 calories while an average male can burn 102.   To burn a few more:  scrub your hair with some extra vigor, shake out the last drop of shampoo (the movement and distribution of shampoo in the bottle while you shake it works and tones your arms almost like the shake weight, almost…maybe), and of course dancing is always an optionâ€"just watch your elbows inside the 22 cube! 5)           Clean your Room.   Not only will your parents be impressed when they come to visit, but you can burn some major calories.   Mopping for an hour can burn 271 calories for an average female and 326 for an average male; rearranging furniture for thirty minutes can burn 200 or 240 calories; and standing and admiring your work for twenty minutes can burn 24 or 29!   Need more to clean?   Ask your friends if they want to pay you to clean and feng shui their rooms. To calculate how many calories you burn every day, whether you are just doing your day to day activities or training for marathons, check out this Calorie Burn Calculator from Health Status.   I used this tool to estimate the calories burned for each activity based on the average weights and heights of the average male and female. Find out how many more calories you can burn just by doing more of what you already do!

Where Can I Find an English Learning Ebook?

Where Can I Find an English Learning Ebook?Are you looking for an English learning eBook? Well, you have found the right place. You will be able to read the lesson plans and games in your computer and your child will be able to play them too. After reading the lesson plan in your web browser, you can go on to the different games to check out how they will help them learn English fast.If you are wondering where you can find the English lesson plans, then you will find them very easily through the internet. You will see several websites that offer these lessons and the games that you will be able to download. Some of the websites even have interactive forums for the parents and children to communicate and chat.You can also find a large number of eBook downloads from the internet. These are available in many forms, such as PDF, eBooks, and many more. The PDF is a common format because the lesson plans are in this format. This eBook format has been in use since 1997.After downloading an English lesson plan or game, it will allow you to work on it at your own pace. However, if you do not want to read, then you can just play some of the games to help you learn the language fast.You should be aware that if you are using a downloadable English lesson plan or game, then you will be bound to get some freebies. They may only be a few words but you can be sure that there are already so many words that you will not be able to learn all of them. So, keep that in mind and do not download anything that you do not have to.However, if you have already downloaded an English lesson plan or game, then you will get a lot of benefits that you can enjoy while you learn. There are a lot of different English lessons that are available, some are simple, some are more complex, some are from famous authors, and others are the best English lessons for children.As you can see, there are a lot of things to know about this type of learning eBook. So, you should really make sure that you choose the best one for your child so that they will learn English as fast as possible.

The Organic Chemistry David Klein Solutions Manual - A Comprehensive Guide to Learning Organic Chemistry

The Organic Chemistry David Klein Solutions Manual - A Comprehensive Guide to Learning Organic ChemistryThe Organic Chemistry David Klein Solutions Manual is a step-by-step guide to learning the science of organic chemistry. It is not something that is merely for those who have previously studied chemical science but is also useful for those who are just getting into the field of chemistry and who are looking for a fun way to learn how to do research, how to create and design experiments, and how to make sure the materials you use in experiments are as pure as possible. These are all important steps when it comes to creating new and exciting combinations of molecules in a lab setting. It can be very intimidating for those who have not gone through a formal course in chemistry to actually make something of their own.What you need to know about chemistry, particularly organic chemistry, also needs to be clarified to you. This is an area where there is a great deal of application. In ad dition to the marketable products you can find in your local market, there are also a great many other ways of finding products in the market that will need to be added to the growth of your particular company or business in general. It is also very important that you keep abreast of what is happening in the scientific world as well. You need to be aware of any new developments in organic chemistry so that you can be prepared for future changes in the direction of the field.For this purpose, the Organic Chemistry David Klein Solutions Manual has been created. It contains nine short chapters that will get you acquainted with basic concepts of organic chemistry, what it means to go to school to study this field, and how to use this knowledge to help in your professional life. The material is organized very carefully so that you can get to know the science behind many different things. This is something that is really important if you want to be effective in your job. When you can find a way to explain something and demonstrate it to others, you can be assured that they will really understand.It is also very important to know the terminology of all the methods that you might use in your work. This is something that is very important if you want to avoid getting confused and wasting a lot of time on experimentation. By using the correct terms, you will be able to get started right away, rather than being stumped.The materials in the book have been thoroughly explained so that you can choose what methods you want to follow in your laboratory work. In addition to this, they are organized so that you can easily determine which methods will best suit you. For example, you can choose to use the old standby of doing a chemical analysis with the help of chromatography or you can opt for other methods that are more popular.The best thing about this manual is that it is based on a lot of practicality and, therefore, is completely user-friendly. Because of this, you will no longer have any problems when it comes to making use of the materials and methods you will learn in this manual. You will have the confidence to begin immediately without the worry of being confused.Just about anyone can purchase this book because it is available for free. If you find that you want to keep track of everything that is said in the book, you will have to pay for it. However, you should still make sure that you go for the free version because it is as comprehensive as the other options available.

Basic accounting Tutor can help students to learn accountancy easily

Basic accounting Tutor can help students to learn accountancy easily Commerce is a huge subject and the subject enrolls in it business mathematics, accountancy, commercial studies and so on. Every part of the stream is important for the student who has chosen commerce as the subject. Commerce is a subject that deals entirely with business and business minded people take up the subject. As I have been a student of commerce for few years, I know a bit about it. Commerce is an interesting subject and the subject gains more recognition among the ones who have a good business approach or loves to deal with banks, stock market, monetary gains and losses. Commerce has a subject as accountancy which is a very important subject and the ones who studies commerce has to go through this subject as well. Accountancy deals with assets, liabilities, income, expenses and equity. Accountancy is a record through which a company can maintain its profit and loss, debit and credit and so on. It is categorized into three further subjects and those are financial accounting, management accounting and tax accounting. Every basic accounting student need to know the subject from its base. When you will start off with the subject from very initial time and in a firm manner, things can turn out to be easier related with the subject. But for getting a good base, you need the help of a good teacher who can help you with all the adversities of the subject. This is the time when you think about hiring or getting in touch with such a teacher who is qualified enough to know the subject from its roots so that they can deliver their best to the students. Students or their parents can go for private tutoring facility as well where they will come across some good, efficient teachers and some very average and not so good teachers. But candidates are not able to choose which one to go for. This is one of the biggest flaws that private tutoring has with it. No one knows what is the qualification of the teacher and how much capability does he have with the subject. This is a big thing to worry as people who are into such business of delivering the knowledge may not turn out to be expert enough. Thus you need help at that time. Online tutoring institutes can help you with the best availability of teachers and the teachers are very much efficient with their subject. This is helpful for any student who has been into the learning process. The online tutoring services have lots of such institutes that can help a student to get help. The online tutoring services can bring to you some of the great features that will help you to know more about the subject and that also in a better and easier way. The entire process of learning can be fun when you have online tutoring institutes beside you. The features that are noted down below will help you to know about online tutoring bit more. The online tutoring institutes have some of the best teachers who are not available through any other means. This is because of the fact that the teachers who are appointed have to go through a very tough interview process that will help the student to learn more in a better and easier format. They are the powerhouse of knowledge regarding the subject and thus they can deliver same to the student with better perfection. As good and efficient teachers are appointed, so the students will not have to think more about how to make the entire process come across. The teacher first plans the process and also gets a grip over how the student exactly is. After a detailed knowledge about the student, the teacher moves ahead of making the classes to come alive. This is very good and helpful for the teacher as well as for the student as learning the subject becomes easier. Te online tutoring institute does not have any kind of time imitation inscribed in it. it totally depends on the teacher and the student as to how long they want to continue. The student can get enough time or the time that they want for any lesson. They can continue with the classes whenever possible. The teachers are available all round the clock and this helps in making the work to be easy as well as assessable. Whenever there is a doubt, the teacher is there to help you out. This is really a great way through which you can help yourself even. The one on one process is also active with online tutoring. It is not possible for any private tutor to come up with this facility of online tutoring. The service involves the presence of a teacher and a student. No other one to distract or disrupt the learning process. This is a way through which learning can be more concrete and much more in depth. The teacher can help you with any doubts with the subject or any part of a lesson at that point of time and this is the reason why online tutoring can be great. TutorPace, an online tutoring institute has some of the best services that can help any student to cope up delivering good grades with ease. The teachers that are involved in this institute are very much educated and hold a good qualification with the subject. They can deliver their best knowledge to the students. The students can get such best services within their parent’s financial reach. The charges as per the services are very less as compared to other institutes. The middle class family also can cope up with the amount they charge. The services are much better and updated than any other institute and this is the reason that students tend to drift in this direction. Basic accounting tutor is a service that TutorPace delivers to commerce students.  

Ask an Admissions Expert Densil R. R. Porteous II

Ask an Admissions Expert Densil R. R. Porteous II Varsity Tutors brings you insider tips and advice straight from nationally recognized admissions experts. Densil R. R. Porteous II is currently the Director of Admissions at Columbus College of Art Design. He has served in leadership roles in admissions at Stanford Universityand his alma mater, Kenyon College. Densil has also taught at the high school and post-secondary levels when he served as Director of College Counseling at the Drew School in San Francisco and College Counseling Certificate Instructor at University of California, San Diego. VT: How far ahead of time should a student begin working on his or her college application? Densil: Arent students always working on their college application? Not to add to the unneeded stress of an already complicated process, but we know that everything a student does will somehow shape that ever generic college application. However, when it comes down to an application for a specific college I think a student can start a month or two into their senior year. With the prevalence of the Common Application and the Universal Application we now know that the root of many applications are the samethis is an effort by colleges and universities to take away a little stress from this process for students. Each school may have a supplement that a student should spend solid time on reflecting on the school specific questions and considering the answers that best speak to that schools community. Identify a schools application deadline, give yourself a deadline about a week before that deadline and then map back one month from that point. This may allow a student to create a large ca lendar of all the moving pieces needed to complete several applications at different schools. VT: What are the best ways to go about selecting a terrific essay topic? Densil: Ive been working in admissions for roughly eleven years as a professional and four years on top of that as a para-professional. I can say for certain there is no such thing as a terrific essay topic. There is such a thing as a well-crafted essayregardless of topic. The end game from an admissions essay is the admissions officer getting a deeper understanding of the applicantand hopefully how that applicant will engage as a part of that schools community. So, it is not about the topic, but it is about how you present the topic, the notion of how that topic relates to the essence of you, the applicant, and potentially how you see all of that affecting who you are and aim to become. VT: Are there any essay topics you get tired of seeing or would warn students to stay away from? Densil: The other day I estimated that I have read right about 10,000 essays during my time as an admissions officerthat is a large number. What I can say is that there are many variations on a theme. During my time as a college counselor I told my students never to write about something they wouldnt have in an open conversation with a very close friends parent. Say your best friend is someone you have known for at least ten years; youve been over to the house, likely had sleepovers, have gotten to know the family fairly well. You might be open to sharing the stories of struggles, a recent breakup, that tough choice you had to make about cheatingbut then there are those things that might make you blush if you had to share it with them. I wont give examples herebut if think youll blush when telling your very close friends parent then youll probably not present it in a very eloquent in an essay that wont make an admissions officer feel uncomfortable. And remember it is about the presen tation of the topic more than the topic itself. VT: What is the biggest mistake a student can make on a college application? Densil: Lying. Dont falsify information, dont add puffery to your presentation of self and dont write what you think the school wants to read. Be yourself, express your essence and do all of that respectfully. VT: What is the typical process an admissions officer goes through to evaluate applications? Densil: Every school is different but the core of the application evaluation process is trying to get a deeper sense of the student through the students written presentation of self, through any extra evaluative support from teachers or college counselors and looking at any numerical information that gives a sense of potential success in the classroom. VT: What do you think is the single most important thing a student should make sure they present in the best possible way on their application? Densil: Everything. A student should present everything in the best possible way being their most authentic self. VT: How should students go about determining the culture of a university, and whether they would be a good fit? Densil: We live in an age where so many students do their research about schools by visiting websites and listening to friendsthese are okay outlets but ultimately spending time on a campus really gives a student the sense of a community. Being able to engage with members of the community genuinely give a sense of what a prospective student can expect. A campus is made up of a variety of personalities and that sense of culture requires an experiential understanding. VT: Early-action, early-decision, binding/non-binding, regular decisions...With so many choices when applying, what do you recommend to students? Densil: Dont try to game the system. Do your research and make an informed decision. ED is bindingbe sure that is where you want to be and can afford to be. EA is not binding, but be sure that at the moment you submit that application you believe your application is the strongest it can be and that it wont change if you applied at a later time. Ask an admission professional at the school at which you are interested about statics in relation to acceptance rates, ask about that specific schools philosophy in relation to the different application options. Every school is different and being informed is most important. VT: How important are grades and standardized test scores when admissions decisions are being made? Densil: This is school specific as some schools dont require standardized test scores and some schools may not request transcripts until much later in the process of application review. A student needs to understand one thing: your numerical portfolio does reflect if and how you might be successful in the classroom at a college or university. If a student feels a need to contextualize their numerical portfolio because it doesnt fully reflect who they are as a student in the classroom then they need to share that information with an admissions office. If there is a learning difference present then an admissions needs to know that so as best to contextualize and application. If a student suffered from a physical illness keeping them from engaging in classroom, stresses at home, family obligations, work responsibilitiesall of these things may impact the numerical portfolio for a student and an admissions person doesnt know unless a student explains the situation. VT: What tips do you have for students asking their teachers for letters of recommendation? Densil: Ask early. Dont wait until a week before the deadline to request a letteryou will get a rushed letter. Dont just ask the teacher in the class where you got an Athat teacher may have very little to say about you. Find a teacher that likes youwe are human and we dont get along with everyonejust because you have an A in this particular class doesnt mean you get along the best with that teacher. Dont be afraid to consider a teacher where you have a lower gradeif it is a class where you working really hard and giving 110% that teacher will likely speak best to you dedication to an academic topic. Dont wait until the last minute you will get a rushed letter; ask earlyoh, did I say that already?The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

A Level English For Adults

A Level English For Adults It's Never too Late to Learn English as a Mature Student ChaptersA Level English Courses For AdultsHow To Enrol On English A Level Courses For AdultsThe Benefits of An English A Level For AdultsTraditionally, in the UK, A Levels are taken by seventeen-year-olds who do not yet know where life will take them. But what if fully-fledged grown-ups look back upon their exams with regret, or wish they had made better subject choices to support their now dream career â€" is there still a chance for them to go back and do their A Levels over again?Thankfully, there are many options available to adults wishing to study towards an A Level qualification, no matter their age or circumstances.So, whether you decide to return to a nostalgic classroom setting or if it suits you better to study from home alongside other commitments, improving your skills (or learning new ones for that matter) couldn’t be easier.In this article, we will clarify the options available to you, how you can apply and, finally, explain how the qualification can benefit your car eer prospects. and Edexcel.Upon enrolment, your English tutor will most likely meet with you and give you a start date then expect you to attend classes for around 2.5 hours a week, whilst undertaking further independent study in your own time. Many colleges offer case studies and other useful information about their courses, like how you can apply, on their websites.Did you know you can also study A Level English past papers?Although with a course like the above, you will not be learning from a tutor all day every day as you would at school, remember that a typical A Level student’s day is additionally made up of other subject classes and free periods. As such, you are not missing a huge amount of teacher/pupil time and, besides, you have the maturity to understand that you need to work independently and to develop as an individual on the course.Part-time study is particularly useful for those in work or those with families as they can attend group study sessions in the evenings and arrange 121s with their tutor at a time that is convenient for them both. Even better, if you have a home student status, the tuition and qualification are often free.Please note that full-time courses are equally available, and you can apply for student loans to cover the cost of these (however you will be expected to pay up front for textbooks).You can get an idea of English Language A Level course content here!Online CoursesIf you decide to go down the route of studying predominantly online, some establishments can offer you accredited fast track A Level courses, awarded by Edexcel.The online courses offered by such colleges are available for students to sign up to all year round and offer a flexible course length, with an approximation of 700 hours of study and 1 year of tutor support by email (or along those lines) included.The fee for such a course is normally between £400- £450 yet this price does not include the cost of assessments, which are payable to the student’s chosen examination centre. Some establishments may additionally offer students a pay as you study plan to help ease the financial commitments involved in going back to education.When signing up to a course run online, you can sometimes choose whether you prefer to use online materials for your studies or printed resources.Those offering English courses are said to cover the brand new specifications introduced in September 2015, so you can be sure that you are learning roughly the same content as those in schools and colleges currently are. Also included within the price of your course is assessment feedback and marking, so that you can keep track of your progress throughout the duration of the course.Independent StudyIt is possible for adults to enter exams as private students. To do so, you must find a school or college who is able to take you for exams and give information to the examinations officer. This will include your name and contact details, which units or awards you wish to enter for and your Unique Candidate Identifier (UCI), among other things.Although, as a private student, it is up to you to carry out independent study or find private tuition, the school which has accepted you has a responsibility to forward details of your entry to the exam board, keep you informed of exam timetables, tell you where exams will take place, define coursework deadlines, dispatch your completed coursework to the examiner and indicate where you collect your results from and when.Although independent study can save you in course fees, it is still recommended that you hire a tutor to guide you through the course and teach you vital exam techniques in order to help you achieve a high grade. This may result you in spending the same amount of money, if not more, on the road to completing your A Level.Be sure to weigh up your options in terms of suitability and financial implications before making any concrete decisions.How To Enrol On English A Level Courses For AdultsSi gning UpAs aforementioned, adult students can either enrol for a course with a specified start date or alternatively sign up to a flexible course 365 days a year. When you register your interest, you may be required to submit your existing qualifications, to check that you qualify for the course.Consult your chosen place of study’s website or admissions team for more information on getting started on the course.Grants, Loans And BursariesThere is a vast range of grants and bursaries on offer by the government to support adult learners and, in some cases, you may not be required to pay these back. In addition, if you are a parent, you may be entitled to help with childcare costs whilst you are enrolled on a course of study.You may be entitled to help with childcare costs when you begin a course. Photo credit: BC NDP via Visualhunt.comCity Guilds, for example, offers a course-specific grant to people studying for one of their qualifications while there are also loans available for adults seeking professional and career developing courses.You can find further details about the types of grants, loans and bursaries on offer by consulting or by applying directly to the organisation that is giving them out.Get English GCSE help from a tutor.The Benefits of An English A Level For AdultsImproving Prospects For PromotionA good English A Level result is essential for those looking to further their studies in the subject, for instance if enrolling on a degree course linked to English. It may be that you wish to specialise in a certain field for work purposes but need a higher A Level grade in order to be accepted on your chosen further education course.Alternatively, you may be applying for jobs and finding that your core subject grades are letting you down or hindering your ability to secure those big promotions. Whether you want to re-sit your A Level English exam, or simply enhance your qualifications with an additional level of study, a good grade in Eng lish will do wonders for your CV.Benefits For Near-Retirement or Retirement-Aged StudentsWith the retirement age on the up, retraining and reskilling is becoming necessary for 60-something-year-olds to be able to compete with younger talent entering the workplace. In addition, as workplaces grow to become more modern, up to date skills and qualifications enable older generations to stay on top of their industry and keep their brain active.Did you know that English is considered a core skill in today's business world?Studying helps to keep the brain active. Photo via Visual HuntQuite often, the older the student, the more appreciative they are of the opportunity to study. Being part of a study group, or simply knowing that they are working towards a goal, can reduce the sense of loneliness felt by some older people, some of which may have lost partners or be finding it harder to get out and about. Becoming a student allows them to be more sociable and to have the chance to chat to ot hers about something they are passionate about.Personal GainFurthermore, many adults choose to re-sit their secondary education exams for their own personal achievement or gratitude. You may be unhappy with how you scored when you were back at school, or you might just want to go back to learning something fun like in the good old days.Many assume that learning is just for young students, but the reality is that any individual can have aspirations, no matter their age.Find an  English tutor on Superprof.English tutor LondonGCSE English tutor in ManchesterTutors in GlasgowTuition in Leeds